How To Add A Data Disk To A Virtual Machine And Initialise It For Use

How To Add A Data Disk To A Virtual Machine And Initialise It For Use

This tutorial will provide guidance on how create and attach data disk to our Virtual Machine. When a virtual machine is deployed on the cloud, it comes with OS disk. According to Azure disks roles, there are three main disk roles in Azure: the OS disk, the data disk, and the temporary disk. These roles map to disks that are attached to your virtual machine.

Diagram that illustrates disk roles in action.

Every virtual machine has one attached OS disk. This disk has a pre-installed operating system, which was selected when the VM was created. This disk contains the boot volume.

Generally, you should store only your OS information on the OS disk. You should store all applications and data on data disks. But if cost is a concern, you can use the OS disk instead of creating a data disk.

Let’s get started on data disk creation….

a) The first step is to create our windows 11 virtual machine

b) To create your windows virtual machine see my blog on how to create a Windows 10 Virtual Machine.

c)Once you've created your virtual machine click on it.

d) On the left side-bar click on settings tab to reveal then click on "Disks".

e) Once you click on it, scroll down and click on create and attach a new disk.

f) Give your new disk a name and leave the other information as default.

g) Click on save as shown below.

h) You can see that the (operating system) OS disk and data disk are two different disks.

Connect to your virtual machine and download the RDP file once you've downloaded follow the prompt, input your username and password.

Now that you been able to gain remote access to your windows Desktop, right click on the Windows icon and click on Disk Management.

Right click on the disk 2 below.

From the drop down click on "new simple volume".

To continue click next on the new simple volume wizard

Click "Next" on the specify volume size.

Also click "Next" on the Format Partition

To close the wizard click "finish"

In the new volume highlighted Red, you can see that our new volume has been initialized.

Click on your new data disk highlighted Orange.

As shown below, our new data disk is available and ready for use.

I hope this helps you with the necessary to attaching data disk to your VM.

Thank You